Hope in the Dark
I’m sure that by now you’ve seen or at least heard about all of the fantastic clubs here at Brien McMahon. We have some great ones from the Italian club to the Twilight clubs. Well on Tuesday, October 11, I had the privilege of attending a meeting of our school’s club Hope In The Dark, and I am very happy I inquired about them.
The group’s conception came during the COVID year of 2020, and they have done nothing but grow ever since. The club’s main focus is working toward bringing happiness to the community in any way possible. They do great things such as volunteering at hospitals and going to local pre-schools to spread joy and help out however they can.
Hope in the Dark is currently planning some great projects for the Winter Showcase, with the theme of Gen-Z. They are cooking up fun ideas for a presentation and performance they plan to put on for small children as well as their families and friends. When I visited them, they were pitching ideas such as classic songs and dance trends of the past couple of decades.
One of the parts about Hope in the Dark is that they are open to all who are interested. If you are interested in joining them, have an idea for their winter showcase, or just want to socialize some more, they have meetings on Tuesdays right after school in room 2120. I hope that this has helped you gain more interest in this or any of the great clubs here at BMHS.

Hello, I'm Wilson and I am currently a Junior at Brien McMahon and a part of the class of 2024. I don't take myself too seriously and I'm considered by...