What’s the best thing to happen since school started?
What’s the best thing that’s happened since school started?
“Definitely the queen dying. Do I need to elaborate, cause I can.”
~ Becca, 15, Partitioner
“Well I was going to say the Queen dying, but now it’s not funny. So, um, Beyonce’s birthday party.”
~ Jack Sovak, 16, Ex-Lifeguard/Entrepreneur
“The New York Giants are 2-0 for the football season.”
~ Mr. Smith, 28, Social Studies Educator
“The best thing? Like, to me? My friends being healthy.”
~ Emerard Charles, 15, Talented Individual
Who else thought the Queen would live forever, because I did. Anyway, welcome to the first edition of McMahon Wants to Know, a weekly advice column that’s actually just random questions asked to random people around the school, hoping for random answers. But maybe, hopefully, some of these questions will give you (the students of McMahon) new perspectives, a chance to voice your own opinions, and a way to relate to the people around you. A lot of it will probably just be entertainment though.

Hi!! I'm Rosie, a senior here at McMahon. I'm the one to reach out to regarding the club portion of the newspaper, if you weren't able to join the class...