Most people love snow days, or at least a day when students don’t have to be awake before the sun and sleep in. It’s the best feeling when parents get the school canceled message. However, when people need a snow day it becomes a 2-hour delay instead.
It’s good to have a 2-hour delay giving time to clean up the snow and let some of the ice melt. Most students would rather have a snow day than a 2-hour delay.
Some students don’t come to school when there’s a 2-hour delay because “It should just be a snow day instead,” Tyrese a freshman at McMahon said. 2-hour delays could be very dangerous because there can still be some ice on the roads. Most times the snow is piled up close to the sidewalk making it hard to get on and off most sidewalks. The benefit of a 2-hour delay is that students can get more time to sleep before school starts. Getting enough sleep for students has so many benefits including being able to focus more and pay attention.
Snow days give students and everyone a break from school. Students can take the day to rest and get work done if needed. Besides resting from school, students can play in the snow. Even teachers love snow days; Mr. Dustin, a health teacher at McMahon, loves snow days. He loves doing snow day activities such as snowshoeing and sledding.
Students can even make money when it comes to snow days. Shoveling snow and cleaning driveways for people can be a good deed and also a way to gain some cash. Snow days allow both students and teachers a break from their busy school schedules. Some teachers and students have superstitions about gaining a snow day such as sleeping with a spoon underneath a pillow and flushing ice down the toilet. Almost everyone loves and needs a good snow day from time to time.
School can be stressful but having a snow day means a break from school and all after-school activities. A snow day can be when students can take care of their mental health. In general, most students prefer a snow day rather than a 2-hour delay.