Are you interested in being the best version of yourself? Are you drowning in a sea of your own thoughts? If so, have you heard of the new senior English elective at McMahon called ‘Bright Core?’
This year it is being introduced, focusing on teaching students how to develop and sustain positive mindsets. By doing so, you will be able to cultivate and maintain a clearer perspective of your life: improved relationships, increased productivity, enhanced physical health, and by building confidence.
Ms. Ripegno starts the class by giving students fifteen minutes to write a journal entry responding to a daily prompt. A study conducted in 2006 found that young adults who spent fifteen minutes journaling twice weekly experienced a reduction in symptoms of depression, anxiety, and hostility. Scientifically, journaling calms the amygdala, which is the part of the brain responsible for processing emotions and memories. This is a feasible and easily accessible way to lower your stress levels and improve your mental health. According to a study comparing brain scans, people who wrote about their feelings appeared to have more control over their emotions than people who wrote about neutral experiences. This is just the start of her course.
Students also come up with questions about how to cultivate and maintain positive mindsets, which are often used as discussion questions each day. Once submitted, Ms. Ripegno selects a question she thinks best fits with the day’s agenda and thoroughly explains an enlightened response while students take notes.
Ms. Ripegno tries to center the class around hands-on reading and writing as opposed to digital learning, as writing is proven to help students better retain information. They also learn about new concepts such as how to control negative thoughts, how to identify our fixed mindset beliefs, and how to overcome adversity. Therefore, there are differentiated perspectives through lectures, where students are encouraged to ask questions, make life connections, and think deeper, which allows opportunities for critical thinking.
Lastly, the class analyzes excerpts from different books such as Mindsets to Success by Carol Dwek, as they work up to The Alchemist, the novel the class will eventually analyze.
A student enrolled in the class stated, “I never knew I would need this class so much. It actually is so helpful just in life and generally, I feel as if I can take what I am learning in this class and use it in my day-to-day life. It’s like this class is my therapist.”
Many people, especially students, struggle with maintaining positive mindsets in their daily lives. Bright Core can provide you with the time and resources to prioritize your mental health and personal success.
If you’re in need of a half-year English credit or are interested in bettering your mindset as a whole, consider Bright Core as a positive addition to your senior year schedule.