Bad parking and ignorant drivers can be seen all around us, especially at our very own Brien McMahon High School, but why focus on it? Well these atrocious drivers cause tons of frustration and anger among the elite parkers of BMHS.
When we asked the English teacher here, Mr. Talucci, how he felt about the situation, he said this, “ What frustrates me is parents dropping off students not in the designated drop off areas, but in the parking area.”
First to identify the problem we must observe it. Here are the three worst parkers of the week.
This red car doesnt know how to park. This car is over the line on the passenger side and pulled way too far forward. This makes it hell to park next to them or infront of them.

For our second victim, we have this off balance Chevy. They are angled way off to the left side of their spot making it a nightmare for the car next to them to park. This is a perfect example of what not to do when parking at BMHS.

Our final target is by far the worst parking McMahon has ever seen. I give you this lost SUV–parked in a hazard area when there are multiple open spots around to take. This exemplifies our whole purpose in writing this article. They couldn’t even park with the thin lines. What if there was an emergency at BMHS? This ignorant driver is blocking the areas for emergency vehicles to come and go, a true disaster.

Bad parking, like these examples, are very dangerous for the cars and people around it,because of the awkward angle you pull in. It can be super hard for people to back out without doing some inane acrobatics contorting your car to fit through the gap. It is also bad because the people parking around you also have to park badly so they can fit in their spot causing a chain reaction of bad parking.
Being the generous and upstanding members of the community that we are, we have provided a step-by-step analysis on how to perfectly pull in to your spot. Bad drivers of McMahon, it’s your lucky day!
The first thing you should do is find an open, legal spot, to park your car. Whether you’re pulling in on the left or right you leave about a car’s length in between you and the spot and align the middle of your car to the first line of the parking space. Next start to angle and position yourself directly in front of the spot. Slowly pull straight in and make sure not to overdo it like the red car from before. Keep that bumper in line with the end of the parking space and you are good to go. Now go learn how to park!