McMahon Wants to Know UPDATE!!
Today I don’t have a new question, but I do have some big news. We’ve decided to incorporate more characteristics of an actual advice column to “McMahon Wants to Know.” Now, you can send in any issues or questions you want advice on to me, and I (plus a few of your fellow students) will do my best to help you out with a good answer. They can be about anything (with a few restrictions of course); school, home, friends, love, all is open.
I’ll continue with the weekly questions I choose to ask, but if I get a question from you, I’ll use that instead. I will publish the question (anonymously) and ask a few people their opinion on the issue (just like how I do with my own questions). Then I will answer with the input I gathered and my own thoughts to give you the best answer I can.
However, if it is a serious issue, please talk to a trusted adult. I am not qualified whatsoever. The school has a great staff of counselors and people you can talk to, there’s no shame in asking for help!
All entries will be anonymous, and questions may even be changed slightly to assure anonymity. You can sign off your email however you want, just not your name.
Send your issues/questions to me (Rosie) at [email protected], or dm the McMahon Archive instagram account! I’m so excited to hear from you!!!

Hi!! I'm Rosie, a senior here at McMahon. I'm the one to reach out to regarding the club portion of the newspaper, if you weren't able to join the class...